Myke Øyne

Myke øyne er en forestilling basert på hendelsen da flyktninger omkom i en lastebil. Tragedien hendte i 2015. 71 flyktninger ble smuglet i en lastebil, under turen gikk de tomme for luft, så alle døde.

Forventningene våres var blandet, noen var veldig skeptiske og redde, andre bare veldig spente. Konseptet å spille en forestilling i en lastebil var helt nytt for oss alle, og vi var spente på hvordan det skulle bli. I det publikum var samlet inn i lastebilen kom skuespillerne frem, og forestillingen begynte.

Det var fire skuespillere, kledd ut som folk fra overklassen fra barokken / nasjonalromantikken. De fire fremførte synkron monolog. De pratet på en utrolig interessant og fengslende måte. Skuespillerne var utrolig samstemte og pratet likt. De hadde god diksjon, så vi fikk med oss alt de sa.

Kostymene var eneste virkemidler. Ingen lyd- eller lyseffekter, uten om lyd fra en nyhetssending helt i starten. Personlig tenker jeg at dette var lurt. At det ikke var noen lysshow gjorde forestillingen mer virkelig. Den eneste lyskilden var en slitt lampe i taket, dette ga et godt bilde på forholdene flyktningene var i. Det satte i tillegg fokus kun på skuespillerne og hva de sa.

Skuespillerne klarte å holde på alles oppmerksomhet, alle var helt med i hva de sa, fra start til slutt. Jeg tror skuespillerne traff publikum så godt fordi de inkluderte på en god måte. De hadde blikkontakt med alle, og du følte de pratet til akkurat deg, selv om det var ca 30 andre i bilen. I tillegg sto vi tett inntil skuespillerne, som ga en nærhet.

Alt i alt vil jeg si det er en velig god og givende forestilling. Absolutt verdt å få med seg.

Soft eyes is a performance based on the incident when refugees were killed in a truck. The tragedy happened in 2015. 71 refugees were smuggled in a truck during and the ride they went out of air, and all of them died.

Our expectations was mixed, some of us was very skeptical and afraid, others just very excited. The concept to perform a show in a truck was completely new to us, and we were anxious to see how it would be. First the audience were gathered into the truck, and then the actors came forward and the show began.

There were four actors dressed like people from the upper class from the Baroque period. The four performed synchronous monologue. They talked in an incredibly interesting and captivating way. The actors were amazing and talked in a perfect choir. They had good diction, so we heard everything they said.

The costumes were the only props. No sound or light effects, just the audio from a newscast in the very start. Personally I think that this was smart. Without light the  performance felt more real. The only light source was a worn lamp in the ceiling, this gave a good picture of the conditions the refugees were in. It kept us focused only on the actors and what they said.

The actors managed to hold everyone’s attention, all were completely into what they said, from start to finish. I think the actors included everyone in a good way. They had eye contact with all, and you felt they talked to just you, even though there were about 30 others in the car. In addition, we stood close to the actors, who gave a closeness.

All in all I would say it is a good and rewarding performance. Definitely worth a look at.


Pernille Sørlie Trætten, 15 år, SUS

Myke Øyne / Artilleriet / Scenekunst Østfold

Manus: Kate Pendry

Regi: Thomas Holtermann Østgaard

Produsent: Kjell Moberg

Med: Benjamin Lønne Røsler, Jenny Ellegård, Joao Pamplona, Jade Francis Haj